FoundersNasser Jaleeli Nasser Jaleeli, President, Priority-based Control Engineering (PCE), earned a Ph.D. in Electric Power Systems Engineering from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, 1975, and a BSEE from the College of Engineering, University of Tehran, in 1967. He was an Operations Control Systems Principal Engineer when he resigned from American Electric Power (AEP) Service Corporation to co-found PCE in April 1994 with Dr. Louis S. VanSlyck. PCE’s first project, sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), was to complete the task the co-founders had started with the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) in 1991. As a Principal Investigator for the EPRI/NERC project, he discovered and formulated statistical relations between interconnection frequency and ACE in CAs that had not previously been known. Based on these relations, he developed a set of control performance standards that maximize the benefits of interconnected operation and provide equitable opportunity for CAs to take advantage of these benefits. He made numerous presentations at the NERC meetings held from 1991 to 1997 to communicate these new relations and the resulting control performance standards to the NERC CCTF. In 1998, NERC replaced the old control criteria with two of those developed and recommended by PCE - CPS1 and CPS2. Nasser then devoted his all effort to the development and implementation of a breakthrough concept in control technology, Priority-based Control, and directing the creation of innovative software tools for improving the generation control process. PCE’s software packages are now serving entities who own 10% of generation in US, realizing more than tens of millions of dollars per year in savings and additional profit. Prior to co-founding PCE, Nasser had over ten years of experience with AEP where he worked on a variety of control center projects. His major project was improvement of the company's generation control process on which he worked full time for seven years. An early outcome of this work was development of software to enable observation of all AGC relevant data trends for any desired interval. Analysis of these trends allowed a complete audit of AEP's AGC system. In cooperation with others, especially Dr. Louis S. VanSlyck, this audit led him to convince AEP management to undertake a comprehensive AGC enhancement project. As manager of this project through April 1994, he led its implementation that resulted in more than $1,500,000 in annual savings through improved operating performance. Included in this task was consulting on establishing plant management incentives relative to generation control. While with AEP, Nasser's expertise in generation control technology was recognized by the NERC Control Criteria Task Force (CCTF). The Task Force welcomed him to contribute in developing defensible control criteria. He made presentations at many meetings and conferences, including several IEEE/PES Winter and Summer Power Meetings, NERC CCTF meetings held from 1991 to 1994, AEP Power Plant Performance Superintendents' Meetings, NIPSCO/Purdue/EPRI May 1991 Project Update Meeting, and IEEE/PES April 1991 Columbus Chapter Meeting. Nasser also served as an AEP Power Systems Concepts Course lecturer. Other research work has included: real time external network modeling, automatic tracking of external facility status change, transient stability analysis, generating unit dynamic modeling, use of Kalman filtering and quasi-linearization in model parameter estimation, state estimation, and load flow analysis. Nasser was Head of the Electrical Services Division, Bonyan Consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 1976-79, where he supervised 25 electrical engineers engaged in the design of electrical distribution systems and in the inspection of the implementation of these designs during construction. As a consultant, he also independently worked for the Iranian Research and Development Organization, the Ministry of Energy, Technology Consulting Engineers Company, Adibi-Harris Associates, Iranian System Associates, and the Inspector General for a variety of Power System, Transmission, and Distribution Projects. Nasser has been a faculty member at Ohio University (OU) and Arya-Mehr University of Technology (AMUT). This spans the years from 1967 to 1983, with a part time Associate Professorship at OU extending to 1986. In addition to successfully competing for a research grant from OU, he was one of five proposers (of 21 nationwide) whose proposals were funded by EPRI to do research under the "Advanced Concepts for Power Systems Engineering, Phase IV" program. Nasser has received a number of awards for teaching excellence. He was also awarded several Scholarships for Ph.D. studies including those from the British Council and AMUT. He ranked third among some 20,000 applicants in the 1963 Tehran University entrance examination for which he was awarded Iranian National Oil Scholarship for undergraduate studies. Nasser is a Senior Member of IEEE Power Engineering Society. He was appointed a member of Power Systems Engineering Committee where he served as Chairman, System Control Subcommittee AGC Task Force. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio, a member of Eta Kappa Nu, the Honorary Electrical Engineering fraternity, and is a naturalized U.S. Citizen. |