
The following is a list of papers, reports, and discussions published by PCE staff.


CCTF NERC's Control Criteria Task Force
CERTS Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
PES IEEE Power Engineering Society
PICA IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications
T-PAS PES Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems
T-PWRS PES Transactions on Power Systems
Technical Reports

"Directed Research to Validate Balance Resources and Demand Standard's Procedures and Define Frequency-Related Limits", prepared by PCE, principal investigators: Nasser Jaleeli, Alexander Podolsky, Brian J. Birch, CERTS, Final Integrated Report, released by CERTS to NERC on September 26, 2005.

"Control Performance Standards and Procedures for Interconnected Operation", prepared by PCE, principal investigators: Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, EPRI TR-107813, 3555-10, Final Report, April 1997.

"Summary of Control Criteria Development for Interconnected Operation; Including preliminary recommendations for ERCOT, WSCC and the Eastern Interconnection", Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, Delivered and presented at the CCTF Meeting, Apr. 1995.

"Fundamentals for Developing Performance Control Criteria for Interconnected Operation", Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, Delivered and presented at a CCTF sponsored Workshop, March 1-3, 1995.

"Benefits of Controlling Additional Units with AGC", N. Jaleeli, L. S. VanSlyck, R. K. McCrea, J. E. Price, and C. Jou, Internal AEP paper, December 1991.

"Proposed Two-Step Frequency Bias in ACE", Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, Internal AEP paper, December 1989.

"Improvements to Automatic Generation Control", N. Jaleeli, L. S. VanSlyck, and J. E. Price, Project Proposal, Internal AEP paper, August 1989.

"Facility Status Change Identification" Nasser Jaleeli, Research Report, Internal AEP paper, November 1986.

"An Overview of the Phase II Security Functions", Nasser Jaleeli as a contributor, Report CCDSAE-RS-01-00, Internal AEP paper, May 1986.

"Assessing Quasi-linearization and Kalman Filtering in the Determination of Stability Study Constants for Utility Operating Generators", Nasser Jaleeli, EPRI EL-3903, Project 1999-5 Final Report, July 1985.

"Distribution System and Electrical Equipment for Iranian Navy Base on Sirjan", Nasser Jaleeli, Presented to the Iranian Navy, 1979.

"Operation and Maintenance of Power Plants", J. Westcott, N. Jaleeli and M. Adibi, A study report to the Iranian Ministry of Energy, (Tavanir), 1976.

"The Effect of Short Term Transients on Multimachine Power System Stability", Nasser Jaleeli, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of London, 1975.

Power System Analysis, 1977. Power Transmission, 1976. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Lab, 1975. Power System Equipment, 1970. Power Distribution, 1969. Physics of Electricity Lab, 1968. All are textbooks and Lab Manuals Internal to AMUT (Arya-Mehr University of Technology) authored by Nasser Jaleeli.

White Papers

"Unit Maneuvering is Costly", Nasser Jaleeli and Alexander Podolsky, October 23, 2002.

NERC, EPRI and IEEE Presentations

All by Nasser Jaleeli and/or Louis S. VanSlyck

"Priority-based Generation Control Algorithm is Available to Save the Industry a Few Hundred Million Dollars Annually in Costs Associated with Unit Maneuvering", NERC Performance Subcommittee, July 1999.

"Two Sets of Technically Defensible Criteria", CCTF, April 1996.

"Performance Bounds for CPS versus D1 and D2", CCTF, Jan. 1996.

"A Basis for Determining n, Allocating Control Area Responsibility", CCTF, Jan. 1995.

"New Control Performance Criteria, an Update", EPRI Advisors' Meeting, Mar. 1995.

"Overview of Proposed Control Criteria Under Review by NERC", IEEE Winter Power Meeting Panel Session on Generation Control Services in a Deregulated Transmission Grid, Jan. 1995.

"Opening the Limits as much as Possible" and

"ACE-Based Monitoring: Is it Sufficient?", CCTF, Oct. 1994.

"New Control Performance Criteria", EPRI Advisors' Meeting, Sep. 1994.

"Impact of ACE Auto-Coincidence on C-Criteria Limits" and

"A C2 Compliance Indicator Display", CCTF, Jul. 1994.

"Determination of tc" and

"Criteria for Areas with Coordinated Control", CCTF, May 1994.

"Functions and Limits of C2 Criteria, An Initial Understanding", and

"Phased Implementation Plan, Why?, Demonstration of the concept, Opportunities", and

"Preliminary Choices of Targeted Frequency Statistics and C1-Criteria Bounds for the Eastern Interconnection and WSCC", CCTF, Jan. 1994.

"North American Interconnection Control Practices", IEEE Winter Power Meeting Panel Session on International Practices in Generation Control, Jan. 1994.

"A Summary of C-Criteria Justification",

"The Proposed C-Criteria", and

"Monitoring and Data Processing for the C1-Criteria", CCTF, Oct. 1993.

"Effects of ACE Auto-coincidence on Performance Criteria", CCTF Workshop, Sept. 1993.

"Remaining CCTF Tasks", CCTF, Jul. 1993.

"Foundations for Reliable and Equitable Interconnected Operation", and

"Accumulated Interchange Error: Benefits of its Control", CCTF, May 1993.

"Understanding and Improving AIE Control", and

"Control Criteria under Normal Conditions", CCTF, January 1993.

"Maintenance of Performance", and

"Eliminating Coincidence of Area ACE's", CCTF, October 1992.

"Parameters Affecting Interconnection Frequency Performance", and

"A Modification of the SIGMAX Derivation: Insight into Interconnection Requirements", CCTF, July 1992.

"Compliance with SIGMAX does not Guarantee the Desired Frequency Performance", and "Characteristics of Tie-Line Bias Control", CCTF, May 1992.

"Parameters Affecting AEP System Generation Control", AEP Performance Superintendents' Meeting, March 1992.

"Impacts of ACE on Transmission Facilities and Interconnection Frequency", and

"Alternative Criteria to A1 and A2", CCTF, February 1992.

"A Modified AGC Approach", and

"Defensible Criteria Should Address the Product of ACE Times Frequency Error", CCTF, November 1991.

"Interconnection Frequency Performance is Affected by Frequency Error Times ACE in each Area", CCTF, July 1991.

"AGC: Area Generation-Load Balance in Interconnected Operation and Control Criteria Development", NIPSCO/Purdue/EPRI Project update Meeting, May 1991.

"ACE Sliding Averages Affect Interconnection Performance", CCTF, May 1991.

"Automatic Generation Control; AEP's Accomplishments and Plans", IEEE/PES Columbus Chapter, April 1991.

Published Papers

"NERC's New Control Performance Standards", Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 14, No. 3, Aug. 99, pp 1092-1099.

"Tie-Line Bias Prioritized Energy Control", Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb. 95, pp 51-59.

"Understanding Automatic Generation Control", N. Jaleeli, L. S. VanSlyck, D. N. Ewart, L. H. Fink, and A. G. Hoffmann, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 7, No. 3, Aug. 92, pp 1106-1122.

"Cost Aspects of AGC, Inadvertent Energy and Time Error", P. D. Henderson, H. Klaiman, J. Ginnetti, T. Snodgrass, N. Cohn, S. Bloor, and L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS, Vol. 5, No. 1, Feb. 1990, pp 111-118. An invitational paper presented at the PES Summer Power Meeting, Long Beach, CA, July 1989.

"Applications of Fast Phasor Measurements on Utility Systems", R. P. Schulz, L. S. VanSlyck, and S. H. Horowitz, 1989 PICA Conference.

"Comprehensive Shakedown of an Automatic Generation Control Process", Louis S. VanSlyck, Nasser Jaleeli, and W. Robert Kelley, IEEE T-PWRS, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1989, pp 712-723.

"Implications of Frequency Control Bias Settings on Interconnected System Operation and Inadvertent Energy Accounting", Louis S. VanSlyck, Nasser Jaleeli, and W. Robert Kelley, IEEE T-PWRS, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1989, pp 771-781.

"Inter-Utility Data Exchange for State Estimation", Iraj Dabbaghchi and Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Aug. 88, pp 1254-1262.

"Operating Experience with the AEP State Estimator", L. S. VanSlyck, and J. J. Allemong, IEEE T- PWRS Vol. 3, No. 2, May 1988, pp 521-528.

"A Quasi-linearization Based Algorithm for the Identification of Transient and Subtransient Parameters of Synchronous Machines", N. Jaleeli, M. S. Bourawi, and J. H. Fish III, IEEE T- PWRS, August 1986, pp. 46-52.

"Some Approaches to Power Systems State Estimation", Louis S. VanSlyck and Manocher Eghtesadi, 1984 Midwest Power Symposium.

"Assessing Quasi-linearization and Synchronization Tests in the Identification of Synchronous Machine Transient and Subtransient Parameters", Nasser Jaleeli, Proceedings of IEEE Region 5 Conference, April 1984, Wichita, Kansas.

"Comparison of Different Control in Switching a Resistor Bank for Damping Shaft Torsional Oscillations", N. Jaleeli and C. N. Obiozor, 1982 Midwest Power Symposium.

"Identification of Synchronous Machine Parameters for Stability Models Using Synchronizing Tests", N. Jaleeli and W. J. Echeverria, 10th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, pp. 777-786, Springer-Verlag, 1981.

"System Security Practices" IEEE PES Committee Report and Panel Discussion, F. I. Denny, S. R.Erwin, J. S. Griffith, D. Hayword, W. P. Rades, L. S. VanSlyck, and T. J. Varney IEEE T-PAS Jan/Feb 79, pp 88-96. WPM New York, NY 1979 Abstract IEEE T-PAS Vol. 98, No. 4, Jul/Aug. 1979, pp 1147 (1A14).

"Multimachine System Transient Behavior", N. Jaleeli, E. Vaahedi and D. C. MacDonald, 1977 PICA Conference. Discussion and closure published in PICA Proceedings Supplement, pp. 27-28, 1977.

"Stator and Network Transients in Multi-machine Power System Stability", Nasser Jaleeli and Donald C. MacDonald, IEE Proc., Vol. 124, No. 1, Jan. 1977.

"Implementation of the AEP Real-Time Monitoring System", J. F. Dopazo, S. T. Ehrmann, A. M. Sasson, and L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PAS Sep/Oct. 76, pp 1618-1629.

"The AEP Real-Time Monitoring and Control Computer System", J. F. Dopazo, S. T. Ehrmann, A. F. Gabrielle, A. M. Sasson, and L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PAS Sep/Oct. 76, pp 1612-1617.

"Coal Supply Optimization on the AEP System", L. S. VanSlyck, R. A. Smith, and J. D. Morgan, 1974 Midwest power Symposium

"Electric Power Engineering Educational Resources, 1971 - 1972" Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE PES Committee Report, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 93, No. 2, pp 529-534, Mar/Apr. 1974.

"Conventional Load Flow not suited for Real-Time Power System Monitoring", by L. S. VanSlyck and J. F. Dopazo, 1973 PICA TP XII-C, Minneapolis, MN. (Discussion and Closure, IEEE PAS Vol. 93, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1974, pp 26-28.)

"Power System Transient Studies Using a New Representation", N. Jaleeli and D. C. MacDonald, Ninth Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cambridge, Jan. 1974.

"Automatic Power Systems Network Topology Determination", by A. M. Sasson, S. T. Ehrmann, P. Lynch, L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PAS Mar/Apr. 73, pp 610-618

"Real-Time Load Flow for the AEP System", by J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, A. M. Sasson, and L. S. VanSlyck, Fourth Power System Computer Conference Proceedings, Paper No. 3-3/8, Grenoble, France 1972.

"State Calculation of Power Systems from Line Flow Measurements - Part II, J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, and L. S. VanSlyck, 1971 PICA Conference, Boston, Mass. May 1971, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 91, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1972.

"Electrical Power Engineering Educational Resources, 1969-1970", by Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE PES Committee Report, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 91, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1972, pp 277-283.

"Application of Control Computers to Interconnected Power Systems", J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, and L. S. VanSlyck, 1971 Midwest Power Symposium,

"Control Computer Applications in Power Systems", by Louis S. VanSlyck, Students' Quarterly Journal, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London, England, Sept. 1971, Vol. 41, No. 165, pp 292-295.

"Techniques for the Real-Time Monitoring of Power System Operations", by G. W. Stagg, J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, and L. S. VanSlyck, 3rd Power Systems Computer Conference, Rome, Italy, Report O.M.5, 1970.

"Techniques for the Real-Time Monitoring of Power System Operations", by G. W. Stagg, J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, and L. S. VanSlyck, TX. IEEE T-PAS Vol. 89, No. 4, Apr. 1970, pp 545-555.

"State Calculation of Power Systems from Line Flow Measurements - Part 1", by J. F. Dopazo, O. A. Klitin, G. W. Stagg, and L. S. VanSlyck. IEEE T-PAS Vol. 89, No. 7, Sept/Oct. 1970, pp 1698-1708.

Published Formal Discussions of Technical Papers

"Feasibility of Decomposing to Identify the Impact of Selected Loads on CPS1 and CPS2", Naeb-Boon Hoonchareon, Chee-Mun Ong, and Robert A. Kramer; Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli, Louis S. VanSlyck, and Alexander Podolsky, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 18, No. 2, May 2003, p 956.

"Statistical and Dynamic Analysis of Generation Control Performance Standards", Tetsuo Sasaki and Kazuhiro Enomoto; Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli, Louis S. VanSlyck, and Alexander Podolsky, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2003, pp 406-407.

"Analysis of Load Frequency Control Performance Assessment Criteria", George Gross and Jeong W. Lee; Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 17, No. 2, May 2002, pp 530-531.

AGC Logic Based on NERC's New Control Performance Standard and Disturbance Control Standard, M. Yao, R. R. Shoults and R. Kelm; Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli and Louis S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 15, No. 4, Nov. 2000, p 1455.

"Modified Automatic Time Error Control and Inadvertent Interchange Reduction for the WSCC Interconnected Power Systems", R. P. Schulte, W. L. McReynolds and D. Badley; Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck and N. Jaleeli, IEEE T-PWRS Vol. 6, No. 3, Aug. 91, pp 904-913.

"Improved Cost Functions for Economic Dispatch", J. D. Glover and Z. X. Liang; Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck and B. Rederstorff, IEEE T-PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 91, pp 821-829.

"Variable, Non-Linear Tie-Line Frequency Bias for Interconnected Systems Control", T. Kennedy, S. M. Hoyt, C. F. Abell; Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS Aug. 88, pp 1244-1253.

"Auditing Control Performance of Interconnected Areas Utilizing the Components Concept and its Decomposition Techniques, Part II: Test Results", Nathan Cohn, Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PWRS May 88, pp 588-603.

"State Estimation Based External Network Solutions: Field Testing", Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli, IEEE T-PAS, p. 2131, August 1985.

"A Method that Combines Internal State Estimation and External Network Modeling', Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli, IEEE T-PAS, pp. 100-101, January 1985.

"Reactive Power Dispatching for System Voltage Security", R. E. Palmer, R. C. Burchett, H. H. Happ, and D. R. Vierath. IEEE T-PAS Dec 83, pp 3905-3909. Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck

"Determination of Synchronous Machine Electrical Characteristics by Test", Discussion by Nasser Jaleeli, IEEE T-PAS, p. 3814, December 1983.

"Transformer Tap Position Estimation", D. L. Fletcher and W. O. Stadlin, IEEE T-PAS Nov. 83, pp 3680-3686. Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck and J. F. Dopazo, 1983 PICA Conference

"Derivation of Synchronous Machine Stability Parameters from Pole Slipping Conditions", Discussion by N. Jaleeli, IEEE T-PAS, p. 3401, September 1982.

"Validation of Turbogenerator Stability Models by Comparisons with Power Systems Tests", Discussion by N. Jaleeli, IEEE T-PAS, p.1644, April 1981.

"Automatic Contingency Selection", G. C. Ejebe and B. F. Wollenberg, IEEE T-PAS Jan/Feb 79, pp 97-109 Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck, G. Irisarri, and A. M. Sasson

"The Effects of Measurement Non-Simultaneity, Bias, and Parameter Uncertainty on Power System State Estimation", by K. A. Klements, O. J. Denison, and R. J. Ringlee, Discussion of PICA Proceedings by L. S. VanSlyck, June 1973 TP X-D. (Discussion and Closure, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 93, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1974, pp 24 25.)

"Minimum Emission Dispatch", by M. R. Gent and J. W. Lamont, Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 90, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1971, pp 2660.

"A Tracking State Estimator", by R. Masiello and F. Schweppe. Discussion by L. S. VanSlyck, IEEE T-PAS Vol. 90, No. 3, May/Jun 1971, pp 1030-1031.

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