Products and Services (Control Software)

Enstorm (Energy Storage Manager)

Enstorm ("Energy Storage Manager") is PCE's cutting-edge intelligent solution that leverages AI technologies to seamlessly integrate energy storage resources (battery, pump storage, etc) into the automatic generation control process. Enstorm connects planning tools (whether unit commitment or market day-ahead results) and the dynamic nature of real-time operation. Enstorm enables power systems to fully benefit from energy storage to reduce energy costs, reduce emissions, and improve reliability.

Priority-based Generation Control for Balancing Authorities (PGC-BA)

PGC-BA software augments and optimizes the control functions of EMS's built-in AGC for Balancing Authorities (BA). Seamlessly integrating with any EMS or GMS, PGC-BA is a revolutionary leap in generation control.

PGC-BA has been field-tested in real-time operation against virtually every major AGC on the market in BAs across the US. It has shown obvious improvement and tremendous savings in every single field trial.

Priority-based Generation Control for MISO (PGC-MISO)

PGC-MISO optimizes profitability of generation resources, while maintaining compliance with MISO rules. It easily integrates into the EMS or GMS of any MISO generating company.

PGC-MISO has been field-tested in real-time operation in several market participants, and has improved both quality of control and market profit.

PGC Renewable Optimization Module

PGC Renewable Optimization Module enables PGC to control the output of solar and wind generating units, along with fossil-fired types, economically and in compliance with reliability standards, to meet the demand.

PGC Short-term Wind Forecaster Module

PGC Short-term Wind Forecaster Module is optimized for predicting wind on a short-term (~15 minute) basis. It can automatically submit offers to the market with operator oversight.

PGC RTOE Automation for MISO Module

PGC RTOE Automation for MISO Module constantly evaluates when plant operation is not in line with hourly offer parameters. Its intelligent AI engine discovers opportunities where employing an override through MISO's Real Time Offer Enhancement would be optimal and appropriate.

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